The "Approvals" module enables you to agree and approve files / assets as a team.
For example, your graphic designer’s layout or retouching work can be clarified, comments can be made and support provided by the team.

In this, assets can be combined to approval packages, in a similar way to Collections.
Comments are another function provided by the “Approvals” module.  These allow you to jointly fine-tune the files / assets of an approval package using drawing and text tools.


1. Search field

Search fields allow you to search for objects in your 4ALLPORTAL. This screenshot shows an example of how to search based on the displayed name.

Note: Search fields are customized for your organization. A separate search area is usually defined for each user role. For example, the “Marketing Department” user role can use different fields to search for assets than the “Product Manager” user role.

You can find further information in the Search fields section.

2. Name of the approval package

Shows the name of the approval package.

3. Thumbnail previews

Shows thumbnail previews of files / assets in the approval package.

Note: Only the first four files/assets will be shown, in the order in which you selected them to add them to the approval package.

4. Information for participants

Shows information for participants and about the approval package.

Note: Any text beyond the first approximately 240 characters (without line breaks) will not be displayed.

5. Quantity

Shows the number of additional files / assets in the approval package for the three thumbnail previews. This package thus contains 45 files / assets.

6. Creator and time

Shows the creator of the approval package and the time it was created.

 Contents of Approvals Module