The detail view displays the contents of an approval package. It consists of two sub-views: one that shows the files in the approval package and another that shows the participants in the approval process. Via the detail view, you can edit the properties of the package and manage the files and participants.


1. Editing the participants

Clicking on “Participants” provides an overview of the participants for this approval package as well as the option of adding new participants or removing existing participants.

2. Saving or discarding changes

If you change the approval package in any way – for example, the instructions or the approval deadline – then you can save or discard the changes here.

3. Adding or removing files

This allows you to easily add or remove files to/from your approval package.

4.  Approving the entire package

This approves all of the files in the package.

5.  Copying a direct link onto the clipboard

With one click, you can copy the URL for this package to the clipboard and send it to another person.

Note:  The recipient will also require valid autorization to access the 4ALLPORTAL site.

6. The properties of the approval package

Here, you can clearly see the properties and information defined when the package was created. The creator of the approval package can make changes and adjustments at this point.