Comments allow you to organize and manage instructions and markings for the files to be approved. This is possible with all supported formats - both graphics and documents.

Various shapes and colors are available for marking. Each marking is linked to an instruction or comment. Various categories of comments and instructions are available. The original marking and comment can only be edited by the user who added them, but each participant can leave a comment.

Tip: We recommend you permanently assign colors to users and/or markers for specific tasks.

Note: Supported formats in this case are all file types for which 4ALLPORTAL can calculate a preview.


1.  Selecting colors and markings

The paint bucket allows you to color your marking in any color. 

The four following buttons allow you to set the shape of the marking. You can use a precise position marker, a colored rectangle, a line or an arrow. The eye allows you to easily show and hide all markings.

2. Comment/instruction

You can see at a glance which user has used which type of marking. The type of instruction is also shown. You can fill in the text field at will and use it for your comments and instructions.

In this example, the user Carlos Corrector has marked the area of the watermark on the image and entered the comment "4ALLPORTAL".

3. Comment

The comments of the other participants are displayed in chronological order below the comments/instructions.

Each participant in the approval package can read other participants’ comments and can leave a comment of their own under each comment. This enables fast communication and coordination. 

4.  Type of comment/instruction

For a better overview and simplified organisation, there is an initial selection of possible instruction categories to choose from. Currently these are “Comment”, “Editing”, “Retouching” and “Layout”. 

Note:  The categories shown here are just examples. Categories are individually configurable, please contact your administrator directly if you have any questions.