The Collections module allows you to collect files for purposes such as team projects.

Open the module via the mega menu by clicking the icon.

You can invite other users to your collection, or other users can invite you.

1. Search Fields

Use the search fields to search for specific objects in your 4ALLPORTAL. This screenshot shows an example of how to search based on the display name.

Note: Search fields are customized for your organization. There is usually a custom search section defined for each user role. For example, user role "Marketing Department" can use different fields to search for assets than user role "Product Manager".

You can find further information in section Search Fields.

2. Toolbox

The toolbox provides you with a range of different actions and/or functions, depending on the module in question.

You can create or delete objects, display them in full-screen or detail view, or add a collection to the shopping cart.

Note: Toolbox functions are usually customized for your organization. The options and functions available to you depend on your user permissions. Another user may be able to use options that you cannot use as a result of your restricted user permissions.

3. Collection Name

Displays the name of the collection.

4. Collection Description

Displays the description for the collection.

Note: Any text beyond the first approximately 240 characters (without line breaks) will be hidden.

5. Thumbnail Previews

Shows thumbnail previews of files in the collection.

Note: Only the first four files/assets are displayed in the order in which you selected them to add them to the collection.

6. Number in Collection

Shows the number of other files in the collection alongside the three thumbnail previews. Consequently, this collection contains five files.

7. Creator and Time

Shows the creator (username) of the collection and the time it was created.