If there are no links between the files in the DAM and the InDesign document, you can manually adjust the source and target paths of links using the 4ALLPORTAL InDesign plugin.

The tell-tale signs of missing or faulty links are, of course, the warnings in InDesign itself, but also the lack of a list of linked files in the detail view of the InDesign document in the 4ALLPORTAL.

Course of action

In this example, we assume that the linked files in the 4ALLPORTAL are in the “Project images” folder.

Enter the source path in the upper field. This is the path that leads to a drive on your old data server rather than to the DAM in this example.

More than one source path can be indicated. These should be separated with a vertical line “|” in the input field.

We distinguish between the specific path names in Mac OS and Windows.

Mac OS:

/Volume/Server/Project/Images A|Volume/Server/Project/Images B


E:\Server\Project\Images A|E:\Server\Project\Images B

Enter the new target path in the lower field in the DAM:

Mac OS:

/Volume/dam/Project images


E:\dam\Project images

Now switch to the Analysis tab and compute the document again. See Analyzing InDesign documents.

Before the analysis and computation are carried out, you should use folder selection to select the folder in the DAM that contains the InDesign document. This makes sure that only this document is processed.