Desktop App Versions

The corresponding desktop app version is made available with every 4ALLPORTAL release.


Installation requirements

  • Does the 4ALLPORTAL download area include the installation files?
    Open the “Profile” user menu and locate the “Downloads” tab. This is where the installation files for the desktop app should be available (see also the figure under “Download desktop app”).

  • Are administration rights available for desktop computers so that software can be installed?

  • Windows: Windows 7, Windows 10 (x86 / amd64 (x64)), Windows ARM version not supported

  • macOS: At least macOS 10.11 (El Capitan) or higher (64 bit)

Additional information on the system requirements: Electron

The desktop app uses the Electron framework and takes its system requirements for Windows and MacOS into account. Current requirements can be found here.

Conditions of use:

  • Active user access for logging in with the plugin in the 4ALLPORTAL

  • Network drive connection (read / write) to the 4ALLPORTAL root directory “Data”

Type of network drive connection

If you host your 4ALLPORTAL yourself, we recommend the following network connection:

  • self-hosted in a container: WebDAV
  • self-hosted without a container: SMB

Redirect for different root directory

The mounting point for finding the files is always the "data" folder, which is usually also the root directory for network mapping. Here the plugin expects the file ".4apmount" and your files and folders on the top level. If "data" is a subfolder within your root directory, the plugin must be given the actual location of ".4apmount" and "data" for mounting.

For this, put the file ".4apmount_redirect" into your root directory and specify the actual location of ".4apmount" and "data": path={DESIRED PATH}/.
Any subfolder depth is possible.

Please note: The redirect file does not replace the actual mount file ".4apmount", which must still be stored in "data".

Example 1 – no redirect necessary 

data (root directory & mount point for plugin)

  • .4apmount
  • files and folders of DAM

Example 2 – redirect necessary

Example server (root directory)

  • .4apmount_redirect
  • data (mount point for plugin)
    • .4apmount
    • files and folders of DAM
  • some other folders

Using this redirect, also the InDesign Plugin can mount without problems.

Downloading the Desktop App

  1. Sign into the 4ALLPORTAL using your user access details.

  2. Open the “Profile” user menu and locate the “Downloads” tab.

  3. Clicking on the relevant “Download” button allows you to download the installation file for either a Windows or macOS operating system.

Installing the Desktop App – macOS

  1. Open the downloaded installation file by right-clicking and selecting the “Open” command.

  2. Acknowledge the confirmation prompt if necessary with “Open” using the verification app.

  3. Drag the desktop app icon from the window shown to the “Application” folder icon. 

  4. This installs the desktop app on your mac under the “Programs” file.
    You can drag the app from the “Programs” folder to your macOS Dock and start from here for better accessibility.

  5. A connection then has to be established with the 4ALLPORTAL in order to use the app.

Installing the Desktop App – Windows

  1. Open the downloaded installation file.

  2. The installation wizard launches and carries out the installation immediately.

  3. The installation ends with the automatic launch of the desktop app.
    You will find the desktop app icon on your Windows desktop.

  4. A connection then has to be established with the 4ALLPORTAL in order to use the app.