You can use the "Files" module to search for and manage files in your 4ALLPORTAL.

Open the module via the mega menu by clicking the icon .

The sub-section Working with Files / Managing Files explains how to use the functions relevant to the module.

You can find further information in section Basics - User Interface and Primary Functions.

Access to files is generally determined based on the individual user role. Users with user role "Marketing Department" may see different files (edit, download, or delete) than users with user role "Product Manager", because these users only have access to the modules that were specifically configured for them.

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1. Search Fields

Use the search fields to search for specific objects in your 4ALLPORTAL. This screenshot shows an example of how to search based on the display name and/or file type.

Note: Search fields are customized for your organization. There is usually a custom search section defined for each user role. For example, user role "Marketing Department" can use different fields to search for files than user role "Product Manager".

You can find further information in section Search Fields.

2. Select

Click the checkbox at the lower right of every tile to select an object. Selecting this object will bring up further options and functions in the toolbox that you can apply to this object.

3. File Navigator

You can use the file navigator to navigate through the folder and file system. Click the checkbox next to one or more folders to display all the files they contain in the main view.

You can find further information in section Folder structure.

4. Toolbox

In the "Files" module, the toolbox provides you with functions for managing files.

Files can be:

  • deleted
  • opened in full-screen or detail view
  • downloaded as an PDF overview
  • added to shopping cart
  • added to an existing collection or used to create a new collection
  • used to create a new task 

Note: Toolbox functions are usually customized for your organization. The options and functions available to you depend on your user permissions. Another user may be able to use options that you cannot use as a result of your restricted user permissions.