Copy or move files by simply dragging & dropping objects with your mouse into a folder in the folder structure.

  1. Open the "Files" module.

  2. Select any files in the main view that you want to copy or move.

  3. Left-click and hold on one of the selected files. Now, drag the mouse cursor toward the folder structure and onto a folder of your choice. You will now see a thumbnail preview of the selected objects.

  4. Release the mouse button when you are hovering over the target folder to store the objects there.

  5. A pop-up window where you can select an action will now appear.

  6. Select the desired action to copy or move the files into the folder.

Already existing files

If the new folder already contains a file with the same filename, the process of copying or moving a file will be interrupted.

A pop-up window will open and give you the following options to continue:

  1. replace file
  2. keep both
  3. do not copy/move

  1. The already existing file in your new folder will be replaced by the new file. In this case the alreday existing file will be deleted.
  2. The new file will be copied or moved to the new folder. In this case, the new file will automatically get a number added to its filename, e.g. "red runabout.1.jpg".
  3. The process will be cancelled and the file will not be copied or moved. In this case, the already existing file will remain unchanged in its folder.


Click "copy file" or "move file" in the right bottom corner of the pop-up window to continue.

If this conflict concerns more than one file, you will find a list in the pop-up window. You can decide for each file separately.


If you want to treat all files in this list equally (e.g. copy and change the filename), just double-click that option in the top line.

All files without a conflict will continue to copy or move to the target folder in the background.

You will get a notification if the process of copying or moving was successful.

Note: Copying files creates new files in the destination folder. The copying process may take a moment to copy all files to the folder and create the previews. Metadatas are NOT part of the file copy. You can tag the files with new metadata.

If you copy files to a folder with pre-tagging by "Folder-based tagging", the copied files will be automatically tagged with metadata.

Moving the files are immediately available in the destination folder. The files are moved including their metadata. If you move files to a folder with a preset "Folder-based tagging", this will not be applied to the moved files.