With import tagging, you can request users to carry out metadata tagging when they import files/assets into the DAM.

Import tagging can be activated and the settings adjusted for individual folders of the type "upload folder". During the import process, metadata fields are made available via a metadata template for users to perform the tagging there and then.

Upon customer request, 4ALLPORTAL Support can add various metadata fields to metadata templates. This allows you to select the purpose of the metadata template for tagging during the import process. For example, you could add mandatory fields so that users have to enter metadata; if they do not, the import process cannot be completed.

Tagging can be set as a requirement so that users cannot ignore import tagging.

  1. Open the "Files" module.

  2. Select a folder.

  3. Click the "three dots" icon next to the folder name to open the "folder-based action menu".

  4. Click the "Properties" icon to open the folder properties.

  5. Click the "Import tagging" sub-view.

  6. Select a tagging template from the drop-down list.

  7. Click the "Save" icon to save your settings.

Note: In addition to import tagging, there is the option to tag assets using "Folder-based tagging".

If, for a given folder, folder-based tagging with the behavior "Overwrite existing values" is already set, "folder-based tagging" will overwrite the metadata entered during import tagging after the import process.

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1. Open Sub-View

Mit dem Klick auf das "Importverschlagwortung"-Icon öffnen Sie die Einstellungen für die Importverschlagwortung an einem Ordner.

2. Selection via Drop-Down List

Click the drop-down list to select from the available tagging templates.