Role-based upload folders can be defined for guided data handling during upload and import by the user.

The following options are available:

  1. Users can upload to every upload folder via the folder structure; however, uploading via Drag&Drop and the quick upload is always to a defined target folder
  2. Users can only upload to a defined upload folder


On 2: The folder structure also shows all available upload folders; however, it is still only possible to upload to a defined upload folder.

The following configuration guide is intended for administrators.

Configuration – Target Folder for Drag&Drop and Quick Upload (Option 1)

Administration rights are required to configure a target folder.

  1. Open the “General system administration” via the mega menu.

  2. Open the “User settings” category.

  3. Open “Role configuration”.

  4. Select a user role.

  5. Click on the “Folder” label in the module overview and open the module settings.

  6. The “Allow upload to folder” permission must be set under the “Feature authorizations” tab.

  7. Open the “Presets” tab and enter the complete path to the required upload folder in the “Upload folder for this role” field.

    For example: “Data/Uploads/Role marketing”
    Be sure to use the “slash” divider for Linux and Windows servers.

  8. Save the entries.
  9. Users should log out of the system and log back in to ensure the change has definitely been made.

Configuration – Upload Folder Window (Option 2)

Administration rights and access to the 4ALLPORTAL back-end (custom folder and apps) are required to configure a specific upload folder. 

  1. Add an additional condition to the upload action:
    Open the “upload.xml” configuration file via the file structure in the 4ALLPORTAL back-end, path: .../custom/modules/folder/actions/.
    If the upload.xml does not yet exist, this must be taken from the and filed under the specified path.

  2. Add the following condition to the upload.xml.

    <condition> 	<sql> 		IF (parent_path = '', 		CONCAT(mount, '/', `name`), 		CONCAT(mount, '/', parent_path, '/', `name`) 		) = '{getFeature("folder.import_folder")}' 		OR '{getFeature("folder.import_folder")}' = '' 	</sql> </condition>
  3. Save the Upload.xml.

  4. Create a feature permission for the “Folder” module:
    Open the “setup.4apmsetup” configuration file via the file structure in the 4ALLPORTAL back-end, path: .../custom/modules/folder/.
    If the setup.4apmsetup does not yet exist, this must be taken from the and filed under the specified path.

  5. Add to the setup.4apmsetup under the tag <feature> with the following feature permission:

    <permission key="import_folder"> <admin_access>2</admin_access> <user_access>1</user_access> <client_type>0</client_type> <group></group> <value_type>0</value_type> <value></value> </permission>
  6. Save the setup.4apmsetup and empty the system configuration cache via “General system configuration / System settings / Maintenance”.

  7. End the user session and log in again.

  8. Open the “General system administration” via the mega menu.

  9. Open the “User settings” category.

  10. Open “Role configuration”.

  11. Select a user role.

  12. Click on the “Folder” label in the module overview and open the module settings.

  13. The “Allow upload to folder” permission must be set under the “Feature authorizations” tab.

  14. The “Authorization for upload folder for this role” was set under the “Feature authorizations” tab via the new permissions in the setup.4apmsetup.
    Enter the complete path to the required upload folder in the field.

    For example: “Data/Uploads/Role marketing”
    Be sure to use the “slash” divider for Linux and Windows servers.

  15. Open the “Presets” tab and enter the complete path to the required upload folder in the “Upload folder for this role” field.

    For example: “Data/Uploads/Role marketing”
    Be sure to use the “slash” divider for Linux and Windows servers.

  16. Save the entries.
  17. Users should log out of the system and log back in to ensure the change has definitely been made.