You can use "Type of change" to control the behavior of folder-based tagging and mass tagging. You can select how these functions should react to empty or tagged metadata fields during the metadata tagging process. Additionally, there is an interaction between import tagging and folder-based tagging when both functions are supposed to write values into metadata fields during the import process.

System process flow for import Tagging and folder-based tagging

If, for a given folder, folder-based tagging is already set with behavior "Overwrite existing values", "folder-based tagging" will overwrite the metadata entered during import tagging after the import process.

This is a result of the system process flow. During the process of tagging files, the system runs through a specific sequence for import tagging and folder-based tagging. According to this sequence, metadata is first written by the import tagging process, then by the folder-based tagging process.

Mass tagging is not affected by this process flow, because this function is carried out manually by the user.

By using "Type of change" in combination with the system process flow described above to set a behavior, you have a broad range of options for automatically tagging metadata.

Options offered by type of change for folder-based tagging and mass tagging:



Field type availability

Overwrite existing values

Folder-based tagging or mass tagging overwrites tagged metadata fields with new values. In the process, the existing values are irrevocably deleted and replaced with new values.

System process flow: If import tagging writes a value first, folder-based tagging will overwrite this import tagging value during the process that follows if this behavior is set.

All field types

Only add data if there are no values

Folder-based tagging or mass tagging only writes new values to a metadata field if the metadata field does not already contain values.

This way, only fields that do not yet contain any metadata will be filled in, and  fields that do contain metadata will remain unchanged.

System process flow: If import tagging first writes a value, folder-based tagging will not overwrite this value during the process that follows.

All field types

Add values to list

Folder-based tagging or mass tagging adds additional values to the existing values in a metadata field of the type "List." If the value is already present in the field, the new value will not be tagged again. This prevents you from receiving redundant values. This behavior only works for list fields, because this type of field can contain multiple values.

System process flow: Import tagging and folder-based tagging add additional values to a metadata field one after another. In the process, folder-based tagging will not re-add a value to the field that has already been tagged with import tagging.

Only fields of type "List"

Add values to list – redundant values are permitted

Folder-based tagging or mass tagging adds additional values to the existing values in a metadata field of the type "List." Entering existing values is permitted here. With this setting, the metadata field may contain redundant values. This behavior only works for list fields, because this type of field can contain multiple values.

System process flow: Import tagging and folder-based tagging add additional values to a metadata field one after another. In the process, folder-based tagging will re-add a value to the field that has already been tagged with import tagging.

Only fields of type "List"

Append text to existing text

Folder-based tagging or mass tagging adds additional text or values behind a text or string value in the metadata field.

It is possible to append text or characters without spaces to the existing text. You can separate the text by entering space or a special character.

Append characters (without space)ExistingAppended
Append text (with space)Existing Appended
Append text (with special character)Existing-Appended

System process flow: If import tagging writes a text first, folder-based tagging will append the text to the existing text of the import tagging.

Only fields of type "Text" / "Sting"
Delete values from list

Folder-based tagging or mass tagging deletes individual values from a metadata field. Simply enter one or more values to be deleted that are already tagged in a field.

System process flow: Folder-based tagging can retroactively delete certain values from a metadata field that had previously been entered through import tagging. This can be used to prevent users from entering unwanted values via the import tagging process.

Only fields of type "List"

Delete all values for this field

Folder-based tagging or mass tagging deletes all values from a metadata field.

System process flow: Folder-based tagging can retroactively delete values from a metadata field that had previously been entered through import tagging. This can be used to prevent users from entering any values via the import tagging process.

All field types


Folder-based tagging can pass on its properties to other sub-folders in a folder. When you tick this checkbox, the entered values and the assigned behavior will be passed on to sub-folders.

This can be highly beneficial if, for example, you create additional sub-folders in a project folder, and the files in those sub-folders need to have the same tags as the main folder.

System process flow:

Please note: With this setting, the system process flow and the "Type of change" behavior will also be applied to sub-folders. This creates a hierarchy as soon as you apply folder-based tagging or import tagging to sub-folders as well.

Hierarchy: Tagging is passed on from the top level of the folder hierarchy down to all other folder levels (sub-folders). As soon as you carry out folder-based tagging for a sub-folder again, you can use “Type of change” to determine whether inheritance should be blocked from this folder downward

Please note: If you want to change the hierarchy from downwards (default) to upwards, you can do so in the administration area: DAM/Folder-based Tagging.

Block inheritance: With the behavior "Delete values for this field" and "Delete all values for this field", you can block inheritance so that the inherited values will be deleted again.

Alternatively, you can also use the behavior "Overwrite existing values" to specify different values for a field than the ones assigned during the inheritance process.

Inheritance or new value: With the behavior "Only add data if there is no value," you can tag values in a sub-folder if the inheritance process has not added a value yet.

Complement inheritance with additional values: With the behavior "Add values to list – do not allow redundant values" or "Add values to list – allow redundant values," you can add additional values to a metadata field for list fields from a sub-folder downward. This is to allow you to distinguish the contents of sub-folders from the tagging inherited from a higher-level folder.

All field types

Note: 4ALLPORTAL provides you with extensive options for managing your metadata, allowing you to realize comprehensive metadata concepts and automation processes. At the same time, this increases the complexity of the functions, and you may require assistance from our 4ALLPORTAConsulting. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance or support.