The central management and overview of the 4ALLPORTAL users can be handled via module “Users”. As this module involves some personal user data, it may not be desirable for users to be able to see those. 

Under some circumstances, it may be necessary for user data to be available in the system. In that case, it is possible to use function “Create contact from user” in the “Contacts” module.


Create Contact from User

You will need the administration rights for the “General System Configuration” or the corresponding role-specific authorization for the Users module (view, edit, delete, create).

New user

When creating a new user, you can activate function “Create contact from user” immediately.

  1. Open admin snap-in “Users” in the “General System Configuration/User Settings”.

  2. A click on icon “Create user” will bring up the display for creating a new user.

  3. Now fill in all mandatory fields identified by an *.

  4. After a click on switch “Create contact from user”, the new user will also be created as a contact.
    This switch is deactivated by default.

  5. A click on the “Create” button will initiate the user’s creation in the system.

Existing user

You can use the “Create contact from user” function for existing users too.

  1. Open admin snap-in “Users” in the “General System Configuration/User Settings”.

  2. Open the relevant user by double-clicking on them in the detail view.

  3. Activate the function by clicking on switch “Create contact from User”.

  4. A click on the “Save” button will implement the setting and the user will be created as a contact.

Synchronization Tool

The transfer of data from the Users to the Contacts module is performed via a synchronization tool that is implemented in the system with 4App “Essentials”.  Synchronization is unidirectional from module Users to module Contacts.

A user that has been created as a contact cannot be edited in the Contacts module. Editing is only possible in the Users module and requires appropriate access authorization.

Deletion: A user that has been created as a contact can be deleted in the Contacts module. This deletion will not affect the created user in the User Management. 

Updating: The synchronization for a user into the Contacts module is initiated by activating function “Create contact from user” once again or by changing values in fields.

Mapping – Transfer of User Data

The transfer of the user data (metadata) to the Contacts module can be configured via field mapping. This allows a selection of specific metadata to be transferred instead of disclosing all user data.

By default, all available metadata fields are transmitted.

  1. Open admin snap-in “Synchronized Users” in the “General System Configuration/User Settings”.

  2. On the left-hand side of the table, you will see an overview of available metadata fields from the Users module. On the right-hand side, you will see an overview of available metadata fields from the Contacts module. 

    You can link fields on the left with fields on the right (mapping).

    Example: Field “Academic Title” from the Users module on the left matches field “Title” from the Contacts module on the right. 

  3. A click on a field will open the dropdown menu to select available fields.

  4. On both sides, select the metadata fields that you wish to link.
    Make sure to define metadata fields on both the user and the contact side. Multiple mapping of several fields to one field in not possible.

  5. You can delete the mapping for a particular pair of fields by clicking on the “Bin” icon. This will enable you, for instance, to merely transfer metadata such as the first and last names and the telephone number of a user as contact details. 

  6. A click on the “Save” icon in the toolbox will apply the mapping and initiate the synchronization.

The mapping merely performs the transfer of metadata between existing metadata fields. No creation of metadata fields takes place. If, for instance, there is no mapping for the transfer of the e-mail address, field “E-mail” in the Contacts module will be displayed without value.